
EnerGQ wants to enable every organization to maximize the value created by energy and thus contribute to a sustainable future.

We see the quantity of energy as the holistic performance indicator for value creation by assets *. This principle forms the basis for our Artificial Energy Intelligence (AEI) -based technology which enables you to quickly and easily discover and utilize the possibilities of this added value, prevent loss of value and reduce the CO2 footprint.

The company was founded in 2009 and offers continuous opportunities for excellent software programmers, AI specialists, process engineers and business development professionals. We deliver our technology in the industry, utility, infrastructure and mobility sectors. enerGQ is partner of OSIsoft PI and representative of SATEC.

* Energy is the capacity to do work, to create tangible value, and is therefore the carrier of the real economy. Everything we touch, use and produce comes through an energy flow. (Ref. Publication number: RVO-053-1701 / RP-DUZA June 2017).



enerGQ is a member of the employers' association for the technology industry in the Netherlands (FME) and a partner of OSIsoft

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